What is Saas? How do we make it successful?

There are bunch of ways to develop a software. There are variety of programming languages with its pros and cons, libraries, and other tools and technologies that let us create application of different types which works flawless on Mobile devices, Desktop computers and web browsers. Likewise the development, there are more issues that require attention which is licensing and delivering software.
The key issue here is the customers are always depending upon development company for choosing technology, framework or programming language to develop an application as per their business requirement, and customer has to rely on developer’s experience and skills. Having said that, chosen technology, framework or delivery model may effect both customer and developer since each technology, framework and delivery models are having its pros and cons and required different strategies to develop an application. In this blog, we will explain one of the most authentic and long term benefits of using SaaS (Software as a Service) and the benefits of using it.

What is SaaS?

Method of a software delivery where data can be accessed from any device with an active internet connection and web browser. SaaS offers web based model, in which software vendors host the application and database on the server. This is the most significant software delivery model that overcome challenges posed by the on-premises software delivery model. At the very first instance, companies do not have to invest extensively into purchasing high end hardware to host the software. This will add more cost to the company as if it leads to outsource the troubleshooting and maintain software solution, wherein SaaS vendor takes care of it all.
On premise software delivery model, offers perpetual license and they also have to pay certain charges per year for maintenance and support. SaaS on other hand works on subscription based model in which customer will pay monthly or annually subscription fees, which includes software license, support and maintenance. Using SaaS you will have an opportunity to spread out costs over the period of time.

Why SaaS is useful?

  • Applications are hosted on web server or cloud and made available to customer over an Internet.
  • Application is managed from a central location
  • Service provider is liable to take care of hardware, software, security etc.
  • As a customer you don’t have to invest into upgrading sever space or associated licenses. Just have to upgrade your subscription offered by your SaaS vendor.
  • It has higher usability rate, since no one wants to invest big chunk of money in customized software. Support and learning is provided by SaaS vendor at any given time.SaaS model is based on pay-as-you-go fees.
  • Software application is already installed and configured, once you purchase a subscription you simply have to supply some basic profile related information and you are ready on the fly.
  • You can work from anywhere, since its hosted on cloud environment and accessible through Internet, you can use it on any desktop or mobile devices.
  • SaaS is useful when customer is having a new startup with limited budget for using required software, when customer is having demand to use on both desktop and mobile devices, wants to launch eCommerce website without worrying about server configuration and software updates.

How do we make it successful?

Even though the SaaS business model offers immense opportunity for businesses to adopt SaaS model for their business, there isn’t a guaranteed success. One who can deliver a solution to business problems which is easy to learn and integrate with other programs and process will only have an opportunity to succeed.
Beyond the bounds of these standard user expectations, we have taken a time to share 5 secrets to develop a successful SaaS platform?
1. User experience & Design
In this time where internet has become a necessity and most of the people are using smartphones across the world, therefore, a great mobile user experience and slick design is the key to success. User Experience and User Interface both go hand in hand when it comes to engage, convert and retain your customers.
There are bunch of informative blogs on how to implement a great user experience, however, we recommend to go through our blog about “how to implement great user experience?”
  • Keep your user interface simple and easy to navigate
  • Make it personalized based on subscription plan purchased by customer
2. Product Requirement prioritization
You must define crucial functions needed to develop your SaaS product. There are two major points you have to think about at very first instance.
You have to think about what features should be included to offer value to your customers. To identify that, you have to perform deep analysis and research, because no matter what you think your customer may believe, it always turn out to be very different.
User stories
Moment when you sit to list out your SaaS requirement, we recommend to include user stories; short & simple description of a feature from the prospective of the customer who desires new capability of the system.
3. Prepare list of deliverables
Once the product requirement are clearly outlined, its time to start off with design work. This is the most crucial part of building successful SaaS product, because deliverable defines goal for both designer and development team.
You have to be very open minded and realistic since there are possibility that features that you have listed look good on paper but not feasible to achieve from technical point of view. Flexibility to find alternate solution in this case is the key.
4. Find a great offshore developer
In order to create wonders you need to have skilled workforce. There are several things to keep in mind are: you should have dedicated team working on your SaaS product development. As if having dedicated team would give you an opportunity to have complete control over the developers working on your requirement. It means, you have an opportunity to change you requirement at any given time, regardless of how far your product development has reached.
Being Top Web App development company we always make sure that our clients are hiring industries top talent, who help them develop their SaaS product. Talk to us about your requirement
5. Sales & Marketing
Once you build fully tested SaaS Product, you must know that nobody is there who knows about it. You have to go into the market and let people know about your product. Therefore, you must have your marketing strategy in place to promote your SaaS product.

How TechnoBrains help companies build a successful SaaS business

At TechnoBrains, we religiously follows Agile methodology while building dedicated scrum team as well as for SaaS product. Result to that, our teams have freedom to work by themselves and manage their own work.
On a regular basis, we equipped our team to deliver highest quality with the best time-to-market. As an outcome, our customers gets an advantage from competitive business, which turn out to be a most satisfactory experience for our customers.
Contact us to seek free experts consultation on SaaS product Development


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